3D Realms und Interceptor Entertainment haben zum aktuellen Rechtsstreit mit Gearbox Software rund um die Marke Duke Nukem Stellung genommen:
"3D Realms filed its answer to the complaint by Gearbox Software in Dallas, Texas. 3DR denies all allegations set forth in the complaint. In its answer, 3DR has submitted evidence showing that Gearbox at no point intended to enter into good faith negotiations but instead sought to force former owners, Scott Miller and George Broussard, to improperly surrender what rightfully belonged to 3DR.
"It is our position that 3DR retains the right to develop the tentatively titled "Duke Nukem Survivor" game for specific platforms. This game was previously licensed for development to Interceptor Entertainment. Furthermore, it is our position that the Trademark for "Duke Nukem" was never assigned to Gearbox, but remains the sole property of 3DR."
Aus Sicht von 3D Realms wurde die Trademark von Duke Nukem niemals an Gearbox übergeben. Es ist und bleibt auch weiterhin das Eigentum von 3D Realms.