Duke Nukem Forever – Am 7. Februar in Vegas

Mitglieder des DNF-First Access Club haben wieder einmal Grund zur Freude, denn der berüchtigte Macho hat am 7. Februar 2011 einen Auftritt in Vegas.

The King of All Shooters is coming to Las Vegas on Monday, February 7 and throwing a party with his closest friends.

And since Duke loves his First Access Club, he wanted to make sure you got the tip first!

Members of the Duke Nukem Forever First Access Club are always the first to know about stuff like this!

Duke's parties are always packed though, so only a select few will be able to squeeze in the door. If you'll be in the Las Vegas area on Monday, February 7, are 21 years of age or older, and want to spend some time playing with Duke and Duke Nukem Forever, let him know by following the "I Want To Party" link below and filling out the forms.

Wem das Kleingeld für eine Reise nach Vegas fehlt, der bekommt zumindest die Möglichkeit, exklusive Duke Nukem Forever Goodies zu gewinnen. Die Teilnahme an der Verlosung setzt eine Mitgliedschaft in der Gearbox-Community voraus. Mehr Informationen dazu findet ihr hier: http://gbxforums.gearboxsoftware.com/first-access/


DNZone.de – Neues Design in Planung

Duke Nukem Forever – Randy Pitchford


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